陳韻如 博士




起訖時間 職稱 服務機關
2003 博士 美國北卡州立大學
2004-2006 博士後 美國加州大學爾灣分校
2006-2007 博士後 中央研究院基因體研究中心
2007-至今 助研究員 中央研究院基因體研究中心





    • 蛋白質在神經退化疾病中的摺疊與錯誤摺疊機制
    • 類澱粉蛋白多倍體化及在神經退化疾病中引發之毒性機制
    • 蛋白質、醣類、及脂質與病理相關蛋白在神經退化疾病中的其相互作用
    • 針對神經退化疾病發展藥物篩選、診斷及治療策略




Schematic free-energy landscape for folding and aggregation mechanisms of amyloid-beta and the familial mutants.

The folding stability of Abeta variants predominantly determine the kinetics of nucleation in the fibrillization process. The less stable species can cross the activation barrier easier toward the pathological states.









A transmission electron microscope image of amyloid β fibrils.

The different amyloid aggregates cause different cytotoxicity.





  1. Huei-Jyuan Pan, Ruei-Lin Wang, Jian-Long Xiao, Yu-Jen Chang, Ji-Yen Cheng, Yun-Ru Chen, and Chau-Hwang Lee*. Using optical profilometry to characterize cell membrane roughness influenced by Amyloid-beta peptide and electric fields. (Jan, 2014) Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19 (1):011009.
  2. Man Hoang Viet, Chun-Yu Chen, Chin-Kun Hu, Yun-Ru Chen*, and Mai Suan Li*. Discovery of Dihydrochalcone as a potential lead for Alzheimer’s disease: in silico and in vitro study. (Nov., 2013) PLoS One, 8(11):e79151. (*co-corresponding author)
  3. Wei-Chieh Cheng*, Chen-Yi Weng, Wen-Yi Yun, Shang-Yu Chang, Yu-Chun Lin, Fuu-Jen Tsai, Fu-Yung Huang, Yun-Ru Chen. Rapid modifications of N-substitution in iminosugars: Development of new β-glucocerebrosidase inhibitors and pharmacological chaperones for Gaucher disease. (Sep., 2013) Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 1, 5021-5028
  4. Rong-Jie Chen, Wei-Wei Chang, Yu-Chun Lin, Pei-Lin Cheng, and Yun-Ru Chen*. Alzheimer’s Amyloid-β Oliogmers Rescue Cellular Prion Protein Induced Tau Reduction via Fyn pathways. (*corresponding author). (Sep., 2013) ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 4(9):1287-96.
  5. Yi-Ting Wang, Pan-Hsien Kuo, Chien-Hao Chiang, Jhe-Ruei Liang, Yun-Ru Chen, Shuying Wang, James C. K. Shen, and Hanna S. Yuan. The truncated C-terminal RRM domain of TDP-43 plays a key role in forming proteinaceous aggregates. J Biol. Chem., 288 (13), 9049-57 (2013)
  6. Winny Ariesandi, Chi-Fon Chang, Tseng-Erh Chen, and Yun-Ru Chen*. Temperature-dependent structural changes of Parkinson's alpha-synuclein reveal the role of pre-existing oligomers in alpha-synuclein fibrillization. (*corresponding author). PLoS One., 8(1):e53487 (2013).
  7. Yi-Hung Liao, Yu-Jen Chang, Yuji Yoshiike, Yu-Chorng Chang*, and Yun-Ru Chen*. Negatively charged gold nanoparticles inhibit Alzheimer’s amyloid-b fibrillization, induce fibril dissociation, and mitigate neurotoxicity (*co-corresponding author). Small, 8, 23, 3631-3639 (2012).
  8. Wei-Ting Chen, Chen-Jee Hong, Ya-Tzu Lin, Wen-Han Chang, He-Ting Huang, Jhih-Ying Liao, Yu-Jen Chang, Yi-Fang Hsieh, Chih-Ya Cheng, Hsiu-Chih Liu, Yun-Ru Chen*, and Irene H Cheng *. Amyloid-beta (Ab) D7H mutation increases oligomeric Ab42 and alters properties of Ab-zinc/copper assemblies (*co-corresponding author) PLoS One., 7(4): e35807 (2012).
  9. Wei-Ting Chen, Yi-Hung Liao, Hui-Ming Yu, Irene Cheng, and Yun-Ru Chen*. Distinct Effects of Zn2+, Cu2+, Fe3+, and Al3+ on Amyloid-b Stability, Oligomerization, and Aggregation: Amyloid-b Destabilization Promotes Annular Protofibril Formation. (*corresponding author) J Biol. Chem., 286 (11), 9646-56 (2011).
  10. Chun-Lun Ni, Hoi-Ping Shi, Hui-Ming Yu, Yun-Chorng Chang, and Yun-Ru Chen*. Folding Stability of Amyloid-b40 Monomer is an Important Determinant of the Nucleation Kinetics in Fibrillization (*corresponding author) FASEB J., 25(4), 1390-401 (2011). (featured as a key scientific article in Global Medical Discovery)